Integrated management of grey slug Parmacella ibera by Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, Metaldehyde and Fericol in Someh Sara, Guilan Province

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


Biological pesticides have advantages to chemicals that safety to non-target organisms is of the most important ones. Slugs are parasitized or preyed by several organisms such as nematodes. In this research, integrated management of grey slug Parmacella ibera was assessed by Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, Metaldehyde and Fericol in field conditions in Someh Sara, Guilan Province. The treatments included: untreated, P. hermaphrodita recommended dose, P. hermaphrodita recommended dose + Fericol, P. hermaphrodita ½ dose and P. hermaphrodita ½ dose +Metaldehyde ½ dose on P. ibera assessed based on the percent of dead slugs, mean percent of damaged leaves, the number of leaves with damage symptoms and the number of plants with damage symptoms. Results showed the highest percent of dead slugs in P. hermaphrodita ½ dose +Metaldehyde ½ dose. Mean percent of damaged leaves was not significantly different among P. hermaphrodita treatments along with Fericol and metaldehyde. Results indicated that P. hermaphrodita ½ dose + Metaldehyde ½ dose treatment had considerable effect in all parameters on pest control besides a decrease in the damage.


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