Olfactometric responses of Encarsia formosa (Hym.:Aphelinidae) to odors of infested greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hem.: Aleyrodidae), by Lecanicillium longisporum treated on cucumber

Document Type : Research Paper



Olfactory response of Encarsia formosa to odors produced by untreated and treated whitefly that were infested by fungi Lecanicillium longisporum was determined in an airflow Y-tube olfactometer. The results indicated that the parasitoid response to odors from cucumber plants infested by whitefly compared to whitefly and fungi free cucumber plants showed no significant differences. Also in other test, cucumber plants infested by whitefly compared with the cucumber plants infested by whitefly that were treated by fungi no significant differences was observed in the selection rate of parasitoids as seen in the olfactometer tubes. Parasitoid response to odors of non-infested plant (no whitefly and fungi) against clean air and the whitefly infested plant against clean air, the parasitoid was significantly attracted toward the arms having non-infested and whitefly infested plant. Based on the present result in spite of parasitoid attraction to some of the treatments there was no absolute response to plant-whitefly combination compared to non-infested plant. In fact the presence of whitefly is no indication for attraction of parasitoid toward its host.  
