A taxonomic review of the subgenus, Pauesiella Sedlag & Starý, 1980 (Hym.: Braconidae, Aphidiinae)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Zabol

2 Institute of Entomology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

3 Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Pushkin, Russia


A taxonomic review was done on species of the rare subgenusPauesiella Sedlag & Starý, of the genus Pauesia Quilis in the Palaearctic region. They are exclusively parasitoids of Cinara Curtis (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Lachninae) on the coniferous trees, both in natural habitats and urban areas. The studied specimens were collected either by rearing the host aphids or using the Malaise traps. The biogeographical area is expanded from the Europe to Russia, including some parts of the central and western Asia. Identification of the species and taxonomic studies were done based on the reliable diagnostic characters including antennal segments, forewing venation, propodeum, first metasomal tergit and ovipositor sheath. As a result, four closely related species including Pauesia hazratbalensis Bhagat, 1981, Pauesia kunashirensis Davidian, 2007, Pauesia sachalinensis Davidian, 2007 and Pauesia spatulata Sedlag & Starý, 1980 were identified and their validity was confirmed on the basis of reliable diagnostic characters. An identification key, as well as brief description of each species are also provided, and supplemented with illustrations from the external morphological details. Paueisa hazratbalensis is recorded for the first time from Uzbekistan. This species was found in the northern border of Iran from central to eastern part of Alborz mountains, and in central highlands (Kerman), as well. Pauesia spatulata is also recorded from Russia (Ural region) for the first time. Considering the economic and ornamental importance of their coniferous host plant, it seems the distribution of this species is yet expanding. 


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