Comparison of various protein hydrolesates for mass trapping of Ceratitis capitata (Weidmen) (Dip.: Tephritidae) in a pomegranate orchard in Shiraz region

Document Type : Research Paper



     This research was carried out during 2011 and 2012 in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 4 trade formulations of protein hydrolyzates (1-Agriscence, 2- Bio-Cebo, 3- Cera-Trap liquid, 4- Esmelfol) in 3 replicates in a pomegranate orchard in Shiraz city. Traps were checked weekly and the numbers of captured Mediterranean fruit fly (med fly) and non-target insects were recorded. Data were analyzed and treatments means compared with Duncan multiple range test. Results revealed significantly differences among treatments at probability level of one percent in all evaluated factors. Averages weekly captured of med fly in treatments were 3.75, 3.80, 9.77, and 2.48 flies, respectively. Average weekly captured of non-target insects in treatments were 18.80, 43.38, 56.23, and 56.93 insects, respectively. Traps baited with Agrisence had the maximum captured of Chrysopa sp. (40.86 numbers) and showed significant differences with other treatments. The maximum captured moths were observed in traps baited with Bio- Cebo (6.07 numbers) and Agrisence (5.41 numbers). In conclusion, Cera-trap is recommended as the best treatment for mass trapping of med fly in pomegranate orchards in Shiraz region.
