Effect of garlic extract emulsion on the slug Agriolimax agrestis in lettuce greenhouse

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agricultural Zoology Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran

2 Plant Research Department, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Sari, Iran

3 Department of Pesticides, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Iran


The effectiveness of garlic extracts 50% emulsion on Agriolimax agrestis in lettuce greenhouses of Mazandaran (Sari) and Alborz (Karaj) provinces was evaluated in the completely randomized statistical design. A bioassay test was performed on immature slugs of the same age weighing 0.5 to 0.7 grams and their mortality percentage was determined after 24 hours and the LC50 value was estimated. Efficiency evaluation experiments were done in the greenhouse with treatments: 1) garlic extract (in two concentrations of 1 and 2 times of LC50, 2) mineral molluscicide, Ferricol® (5 g/m2), 3) Chemical molluscicides, Lumakidin 5G® (0.7 g/m2), and control. Based on the results of bioassay test, the LC50 value for garlic extract was estimated as 24.6 g/L. In the greenhouse, with the increase in the concentration of the extracts, the effectiveness percentage increased. The average efficacy of garlic extract treatment with twice the LC50 concentration in two provinces after two, four, eight, fifteen, and twenty-one days were calculated 55.8±2.5, 60.8±2.9, 64.9±2.3, 70.2 ±2.3, and 73.7±2.4 percent, respectively. Although this efficiency was significantly lower on the 21st day compared to metaldehyde, the results show that garlic extract is able to cause mortality in immature slug population. In the garlic extract treatment, the estimated amount of damage on the 21st day of the experiment in Mazandaran and Alborz provinces (37.7% and 32.8%, respectively) was significantly lower than the control (89.5% and 81.2%, respectively). Therefore, in order to reduce the application and adverse effects of chemical pesticides, the use of alternation of garlic extract and other molluscicides is recommended in A. agrestis management programs.


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